2025 LOWC Additional Information

We manage and hunt over 6000 contiguous acres in the heart of some of the hottest whitetail producing areas in the Midwest. Little to zero hunting pressure on our farm allows us to continue to produce mature bucks every season. Good genetics, a healthy well fed herd, intense management practices for both deer and the farms diverse ecosystem, very experienced, knowledgeable guides is what gets us the results we want every year.

We know there are many whitetail outfitters in Ohio to choose from. Making the right choice is not always an easy one. Every year there are new whitetail outfitters popping up and old ones trying new “tricks” to get your business. There are many reasons why Latitudes Outfitting Co. is known as a premier outfitter.

  • COLUMBIANA COUNTY, OH – We’re located in Columbiana County, Ohio- Historically a high producing county for trophy whitetails. You can’t harvest big bucks if there not there!
  • ARCHERY ONLY – We are an archery only operation. We do not participate in any firearms seasons in Ohio. Crossbows are legal during the general archery season in Ohio and may be used on the farm.
  • LOW PRESSURE – Low pressure farm and small camps produce quality, personable hunts. We take 4 HUNTERS PER WEEK. This allows ample room in the woods and further allows our guides to dedicate more time to each hunter.
  • QUALITY DEER MANAGEMENT – Long-term deer herd management for growing mature whitetails. We have a 140″ minimum on all farm.
  • YEAR-ROUND SCOUTING – Year-round deer scouting and trail camera monitoring. As soon as the season ends in January, we begin preparing for the next one. Controlled burns for improved quality habitat and herd health, shed hunting to dial in our treestand locations and to see what bucks are going to be at the top of our hit list for the upcoming season. Throughout the summer we spend hours glassing and setting up trail cameras, clearing shooting lanes and maintaining our clover food plots. As fall nears, we make our finishing touches on our treestand locations, plant fall food plots and get dialed in our hit-lister bucks.
  • LODGING & MEALS – Once you get done hunting, enjoy our amazing home-style cooked meals, cozy lodging and accommodations. All of which is included in your whitetail hunt package.
  • FULL TIME WHITETAIL GUIDES – Year-round whitetail guides and supporting staff. Most outfitters are only part time operations. At Latitudes Outfitting we are a full-time whitetail outfitter that starts preparing for our next hunt the day after deer season ends.
  • 100% HONEST – Every deer that is on our website is taken off of our properties. Many outfitters put their family members and friends trying to enhance their trophy photographs.
  • 25+ YEARS AS AN OUTFITTER – Many outfitters come and go; we are here stay. This is passion first for each an every one of us involved, we are in business because we choose to be, this is a lifestyle and connection to outdoors that we are grateful for every single day.

GUIDED CAMARADERIE The guide staff at Latitudes Outfitting Co. is truly the heart and soul of our business and they specialize in making dreams come true. Regardless of who is guiding you, you can be confident they’re working behind the scenes with every guide on our team to put together the best strategy to make your hunt a successful one. Our guides don’t just point out a trophy, they create the opportunity for you to discover the best in yourself at the moment of truth and enjoy an incredible experience along the way.OUR FARM AND HUNTSA lot of our farm is bordered by thousands of acres of state nature conservancy land, which are properties that do not allow hunting or even people to step foot on them in some areas. The Nature Conservancy buys up lots of Ohio’s river frontage to protect the native flora and fauna. These preserves ensure our property bordering them will always have trophy deer due to them being un-hunted. Coupled with our strict management practices and our 140”antler restrictions we have We do the majority of our hunting from elevated treestands both ladder and lock-on’s. Safety harnesses required. You will not be allowed to hunt without a safety harness! ​Saddle hunters are welcome. If you're confident hunting out of a saddle bring it.We pick the stands determined by wind direction, current scouting information from trail cams and past experience.

Stands are strategically placed near food sources and travel corridors to and from bedding areas. Our stands are all 20 foot or higher. If you are considering hunting with us it's important you are comfortable with these type set ups. Ground blinds are rarely used.

We hunt everything from cedar thickets to soy bean fields. Big stands of white oaks is a favorite for our September and October hunters and our miles upon miles of Ohio River bottoms are infested with deer come November. Our farm also boasts 800 acres in agriculture, 50 acres in supplemental food plots strategically scattered throughout the property, two major river systems that intersect on site, supplemental watering holes, year round mineral stations and dozens of supplemental deer feeders for added nutritional value during the course of the year. In the state of Ohio it is legal to hunt deer over food and other attractants. Although we do utilize these for monitoring we DO NOT hunt over bait piles.


A lodge as welcoming as the land it is built on. The lodge and the staff are not the main reason you come to the farm, but from the moment you roll through the entrance life as you know it changes. From every vantage point of the lodge you will only see possibility and loudest sound you’ll ever hear are the stories and laughter around the fire. The lodge is an integral part of the experience and we put an equal amount of effort into ensuring your time in the lodge is just as unforgettable as your time in the woods.

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